
犬のパスカを愛しています🐾パスカのためにドックキャリーバックをつくりました。૮ ・ﻌ・ა



"We must know that pasca is an amaing dog."

「We must know (知らなければならないこと)はパスカが素晴らしい犬であることです。」

私たちが知らなければならないことをthat の後ろで説明しています。

We must know that pasca is an amaing dog.

"Don't you know that Pasca is able to jump so high?"

「パスカが こんなに高くジャンプできるって知らないんですか?」


Don't you know that Pasca is able to jump so high?

"Pasca Knows that he has many blankets that Yuka bought in stores."


Pasca Knows that he has many blankets that Yuka bought in stores.


"The dog that used the sofa as a sleeping ground."


that 以降は the dog の説明をしています。

The dog that used the sofa as a sleeping ground.


"That Pasca lerns words makes his cleverness improved."



That Pasca lerns words makes his cleverness improved.

"That Pasca manipulates Japanese language is well known among human beings."


このthatは無いとだめです。"That Pasca manipulates Japanese well"までを主語にするためです。


That Pasca manipulates Japanese language is well known among human beings.

Behind you...

"That Pasca manipulates Japanese  is well known among human beings."

「パスカが日本人を操っていることは 人類に知られている。」


"That Pasca enjoys having a bath is a fact."



That Pasca enjoys having a bath is a fact.


"The feedback I received from Pasca demonstrats that his happiness is realized with quality of boiled chiken which I make."



The feedback I received from Pasca demonstrats that his happiness is realized with quality of boiled chiken which I make.


にほんブログ村 犬ブログへ

みんなの大事へ ─大切なものは前に─

抱っこが大好きなパスカのために!キャリーバックをつくりました。 安定感や素材、そしてデザインにこだわりました。




「まだにおいかぐの…」「砂利の数を数える毎日…」 地面ばっかり見ている飼い主のために、お散歩中に虹ができるリードをつくったよ!

株式会社パスカンパニー https://yukatopascompany.com